
Welcome to my Blog! I am just a twelve year old kid thats concerned about the way our country is going. This is my journal of what I do to try to prepare for the coming storm. Please join me in my effort to Survive and Thrive!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Guest Post and Garden Stuff

Today I bought a 7 gallon water container, a hoe, and 4 cans of soup. We now have 9 tomato plants in the ground. There are eight bean plants, seven pumpkins, and seven cucumbers. We have a bunch of peas, squash, cantaloupe, jalepeno peppers and to many onions to count. I also made another guest post over at SurvivalCache reviewing the Back To Basics book I purchased a little while ago, you can see the review here.


  1. Just wanted to say it's so amazing and cool to see someone your age focused on readiness! Keep up the good work and good luck!

  2. Thank you, I appreciate your support.
